Getting Started

Slack: Create app

Create a new app at (opens in a new tab) . Once done, grab your Signing Secret. It's needed to verify the authenticity of callbacks later on.

ASP.NET Core host: Install NuGet

$ dotnet add package Slackbot.Net.Endpoints

ASP.NET Core host: Register depencencies

Register and configure the required Signing Secret:

        .AddSlackbotEvents(c =>
            c.SigningSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SIGNING_SECRET")

ASP.NET Core host: Add callback endpoint

app.Map("/slack/event", a => a.UseSlackbot());

ASP.NET Core host: Implement an event handler:

public Task<EventHandledResponse> Handle(EventMetaData meta, AppMentionEvent @evt)
    Console.WriteLine("App mentioned!");
    return Task.FromResult(new EventHandledResponse("OK"));

…and register it in the container:


Slack: Subscribe to events


Hot tip! For local development & integration testing, use a tunneling tool like ngrok (opens in a new tab).